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OUGD401 - Publication Crit

For our first crit with this brief we were split into groups of 14 and separated into 2 rooms. We took it in turn to present our concepts to the group and then we got feedback on our ideas. 

We were given a proposal sheet to fill in for this session. I plan to focus my publication around Alfred Hitchcock. I want to produce an interactive book which conveys some of Hitchcock's ideologies in a visual way.

In order for us to ensure we are meeting the guidelines which we are to be graded against we were given a sheet with a brief description of what we need to include in order to meet the grad boundaries. 

After we had presented we had to fill in a peer assessment sheet with strengths and weaknesses with our concepts. I am very pleased with the feedback I received as I think its both constructive and positive. I am confident now that I can begin the design process of making my publication. 

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