
OUGD406 - Speaking from Experience : Concept Pitch

Today we had a concept pitch with Amber, Simon and two of the thirds years. We had to present our 3 boards to a group of our peers and from it we received written and verbal feedback. I found this crit very helpful as it was nice to get the third years perspective on the work we are proposing. I presented the following boards...

The feedback I received was mainly positive and I got a few good pointers from the third years. I was told not to worry about not being able to produce something and that proposing a concept is just as good.

The written feedback is as follows...

OUGD401 - Publication Crit

For our first crit with this brief we were split into groups of 14 and separated into 2 rooms. We took it in turn to present our concepts to the group and then we got feedback on our ideas. 

We were given a proposal sheet to fill in for this session. I plan to focus my publication around Alfred Hitchcock. I want to produce an interactive book which conveys some of Hitchcock's ideologies in a visual way.

In order for us to ensure we are meeting the guidelines which we are to be graded against we were given a sheet with a brief description of what we need to include in order to meet the grad boundaries. 

After we had presented we had to fill in a peer assessment sheet with strengths and weaknesses with our concepts. I am very pleased with the feedback I received as I think its both constructive and positive. I am confident now that I can begin the design process of making my publication. 

OUGD406 - Evaluation

As a group what problem did you identify and why?

Our group was given 5-a-day as our topic to start with. We brainstormed a lot of ideas to start with but unanimously we decided that we wanted to steer away from typical fruit and vegetable promotional campaigns. A problem we have been tackling over the first year is that people are not looking at design blogs and studios which therefore means they are not keeping up with the fast moving industry. This was the problem we settled on in the end.

What methods did you use to gather your evidence to prove this was a problem and what forms did it take? (primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative)

Our time on the course has served as part of our primary research into this problem. People openly admit that they should be looking at blogs and studios more. As we were targeting an audience who we had access to we did not carry out much secondary research. 

What methods of research did you find useful and why?

As the our brief involved us looking into what blogs are out there I found it incredibly useful for myself as a young designer. It has also helped me to firmly identify which areas of design I prefer and strive in. After looking into the five different categories within Graphic Design I now can firmly say that Editorial design is my favourite. 

What research could you have carried out that would have proved more useful?

I think our primary research in regards to asking people what they would like to have seen within the blog could have been more thorough as we went off what we thought was correct. I do think that we had a strong structure for our blog but it could have been tailored for the course more. I think our water event was successful and think that we could maybe have expanded our event to Vernon Street as I feel that the foundation student could have benefitted from looking at the blog more than people from the college of art. Our water event went very well but I do think that we handed water to student who do not have any interest in Graphic Design.

How did you manage the workload as part of a group?

As a group we worked well together, most of the time. As in all group work it is difficult for everyone to agree. Within our group were a lot of strong personalities which did cause a few clashes occasionally. Attendance was a slight problem with a few members choosing not to attend group meetings or cutting them short to leave early. I feel that our communication was strong even though it was over Facebook 80% of the time. Our decision making went smoother over the second week as we started to assign jobs to each person. I do think that some people were given smaller jobs which were maybe not as important as others which might have an effect on their portfolio when it comes to hand-in. Overall, I felt quite positive about our concept and as a group we came to a happy medium about the design and colour scheme. I would not personally have chosen the colour scheme or font but as in all group work compromises have to be made.

OUGD402 : PPP - If you were a...

In order to be successful within the industry it is important that we begin to think of ourselves as a commodity. It is essential that we see ourselves as part of a collective as well as an individual. This task enables us to start thinking about ourselves in this way.

If you were a...

If you were a book what would your subject be and who would read you?

I am very interested in the film industry and therefore I would probably be a series of publications reviewing films both past and present. The audience for these books would be film lovers with an interest in the specific genre of Sci-Fi and fantasy.

If you were a package what would you contain and who would open you?
If I were a package I would contain something simple and easy to use within everyday life. The package itself would be very simple with limited use of colour. I would be modern and contemporary but also simple and clear. 

If you were a shop what would you sell and who would buy it?
If I were a shop I would sell the nessecieities for a wide audience an example of this would be a supermarket as it attracts a vast audience. As some supermarkets have range of different brands to appeal to different audiences, though it would seem that their main products are for middle classes, some of their products are for upper classes and with this comes a higher standard of design which I enjoy to produce. 

If you were a poster what would you promote and to whom?
If I were a poster I would promote an awards ceremony such as the MTV movie awards and MTV VMA's. I would be more suited to this style as they are more mainstream and the signature which comes with the design would be more suited to myself. The audience would be younger people with an interest in the film and music industry and also celebrity culture. 

If you were a brand what would your values be and why would they be important?
If I were a brand I would be Toms the shoes brand. I think this would be best suited to me because the shoes themselves are fashionable, versatile and also popular with many different people. I also value the charitable trait which comes with a pair of toms. I myself own several pairs which I wear very often (in the correct weather.)

If you were an exhibition what would you show and where would you show it?
If I were an exhibition I would show a series of Screen Prints by my favourite designer Anthony Peters. They are crisp, clear and clean which is something I strive for within my designs. The audience would be more niche than any of my other answers as not everyone is aware of different designers and also the techniques which come with their work. 

If you were a leaflet what information would you contain and who would read it?
If I were a leaflet I would contain information which is very useful to a variety of people. Something in the form of a timetable or a map. I think the underground map and bus timetables would be best suited to me as they are simple and functional.

If you were a sign what would you show, to whom and where?
If I were a sign I would be a Give Way road sign. I think I would be this because I possess traits which match this road sign and it also is within a type of design I favour, information and way-finding. I would be placed wherever a give way sign is needed (globally.)

If you were an App what would you do and who would use you?
If I were an App I would be a resource full of information focussed around film and music. An example of this would be imdb and itunes. I would, again be used by a wide range of people who have an interest in film and music.

If you were a blog, what would you be about and who would follow you?
If I were a blog I would be about celebrity culture. An example of this would be JustJared. The audience would be people interested in celebrities which is usually considered to be young women aged 16-24.

If you were an event, what would it be and how would you promote it?
If I were an event I would be a film screening of a Sci-Fi fantasy drama which has been or will become popular. I would promote myself with a series of posters which would contain enigmatic quotes and words from the film.

OUGD402 - PPP1 : Studio Session

For this session we focussed on two main questions :

What makes me me?
What makes me a designer?

As a task from the previous session we were asked to provide visuals which go along with a set of statements we wrote about ourselves. We had 5 images which represented our personality and 5 which represent our professional signature and aspiration.

We were split into pairs and had to swap images with another pair. We then had half an hour to go away and look over the images and make an assumption as to what they were trying to communicate.

Rinesh and I first wrote a list of words which came to mind when we looked at the images :

Amy -


  • Commercial
  • Simple
  • Black and White
  • Editorial
  • Promotion
  • Limited Colours

  • Supports breast cancer
  • From Leeds
  • Reality TV
  • Open to interpretation
  • Free Spirit
  • Likes to cook

Sam -

  • Hand crafted
  • Editorial
  • Commercial
  • Promotion
  • Colour
  • Veggie
  • Jimmy Carr - Dry sense of humour
  • Travel
  • Nutella - Chocolate
  • Open
After coming up with the lists we had to compile the words into a statement for each :

Amy -


This person seems to be interested in simple editorial design for publications focussed around fashion and beauty. They also favour promotion design for businesses which could reflect an interest in branding. The images also seem to have a feminine feel to them.


This person is in support of breast cancer which could reflect how much she values life and wants to live it to the fullest. She is from Leeds which could mean that she prefers a city life. She is quite open and enjoys reality TV shows like Made in Chelsea.

Sam -


This person seems to be interested in mainly commercial design such as publications, editorial design and promotional graphics. There is also a slight preference of hand crafted font and type alongside this, which also links into a possible preference to work with a variety of colours.


This person has a humorous side more edged towards dry humour and has signs of affection towards Paris which could reflect their aspiration to travel. They also like Nutella, are a vegetarian and likes the ocean. 

OUGD406 - Communication is a Virus : Progress Crit

For our 2 week progress crit we were in groups.

General feedback :
  • How are we measuring if people are engaging? COMMENTS, TWEETS, RETWEETS
  • Expand further to get people to interact - Ask people to submit stuff (featured)
  • Recommend
  • Features - designer of the month
Good points :
  • aesthetically looks good
  • Interesting
  • Fits in
  • Successful


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