Following on from the previous PPP session we had to set out of three free ad's on the desk in front of us. After looking at the ad's we were asked to re-write two of the lists we created from the previous session.
5 Words which best describe your design practice:
- Simple
- Minimalistic
- Clear
- Black and White
- Structured
5 words which best describe you as a person:
- Clean
- Tidy
- Neat
- Friendly
- Thoughtful
After doing this we were asked to write 5 things which we felt the others had done which reflects on us a designer and also did not reflect us :
- Simplicity
- Clean
- Aligned
- Fonts (sans serif)
- Minimalistic
- Size
- Background colour
- Uppercase letters
- Colour
- Overcrowded
After doing this we had to evaluate each ad on the desk and come up with a list of words which we felt were projected through the ad's.
My Ad
- Minimalism
- Simplicity
- Clean
- Crisp
- Structured
- Minimalism
- Clear
- Simplicity
- Interesting
- Structured
- Minimalism
- Fashion
- Neat
- Clean
- Simplicity
- Clear
We were then asked to swap groups and produce more lists about the similarities and differences between all of the ad's. This was a helpful task as it was interesting to see how people interpreted each other and what they came up with visually.
After this task we went back to our original table and looked at the lists which were put together by the others. We identified the common words which were said about each person.
- Layout
- Shape
- Pattern
- Composition
Someone made a comment about how personality should be reflected in a design promoting that person. We argued the point as to whether this was correct by compiling a list of Pro's and Con's.
- Identity
- Distinctive
- Personal
- Individual
- Signature
- Practice may not reflect personality
- Personality may not reflect the signature of a designer
- Personality may not be professional
- Personality can become too dominant
Personally I think that personality is massively important within design but I am unsure that by projecting your personality onto your practice is a positive thing to do. I believe that everyone projects some from of their signature into their designs and within a persons signature lies a small part of their personality.
The relationship between your personality and your practice.
For this task we were asked to write 5 statements about :
- What makes you you? Which things clearly state something about you as an individual.
- What do we want to say? What things do you want people to know about your creative practice?
My favourite place in the world is a called Clapham. I spent a lot of holidays at this place when I was growing up. I also hold a lot of my fondest memories from this place.
I find that water is the best drink for me to have in any situation, it also helps me to keep my teeth healthy which has become very important over the past year.
One of my biggest interests is film. I am passionate about the film industry and the people within it. I think that film influences my beliefs and my interests massively.
Music reflects my personality significantly as I have a wide interest in different genres. Part of this is down to my parents playing me a wide selection of different songs/albums. The two which I have a deep emotional connection to are Shania Twain and Ronan Keating.
I believe that a lot of my personality is down to how I was brought up by parents. I am from quite a big family and from this I have feel that I have learnt how to share and not be spoilt. I also feel that, as my family are all different, I do not judge people before I know them.
5 statements about what we want to say as a designer
The area of design which I would like to go into is Editorial and Publishing. I have only recently decided this after producing a book for a previous brief. The audience I would like to produce editorial design for is sophisticated people with an interest in the arts and design. One of the most recent publications I have been drawn to was on the Creative Review website.
Creative Review Source
Main Source
I have always been interested in designing characters and representing people digitally. I favour simplistic character illustrations which are very minimal. Part of this is because I am still developing my skills on Adobe Illustrator but I also feel that simplicity is something to strive for. I used Dean Gray's character heads representing the LCA tutors as my main inspiration for one of my first projects as I think his signature mirrors my own in some ways.
I have recently come to have a deeper appreciation for information graphics and the way in which information can be displayed visually. A designer I have come across in the past few days is David McCandless. He is a London Based information graphics designer.
Information is Beautiful
After being enlightened about the world of colour theory and the cost of printing I have a new found enjoyment of designing in black and white with the possible addition of one colour added. Almost all of the work I have produced since starting this course has been in black and white. I can appreciate the professional style which comes with the use of these colours.
Taken from Main Studio
Stationary design for a fashion designer - Francisco Van Benthum
Modernist design is something I favour the most. I love the simple and minimalistic style which comes with modernism. As I am beginning to learn about the use of grid systems I am finding that my interest in modernism is growing significantly.
Found on Aisle One design blog.