Whilst browsing on the internet I cam across an article on Creative Review about Massimo Vignelli.
One of the world's great designers, Massimo Vignelli, is very ill and will be spending his last days at home. His son Luca would like all those for whom Vignelli was either an influence or an inspiration to write him a letter.
In honouring Massimo and Lella Vignelli with their joint award of the AIGA Medal in 1982, the institute noted of the couple that "their design output has been prodigious in quantity, far-ranging in media and scope and consistent in excellence. Equally important is the influence they have had and the difference they have made....Both in the example set by their work and by their personal commitment of time and energy, design has no advocates more passionate or effective. Both teach, write, lecture, serve on juries and boards, contribute their talent and cast to worthy causes. Unabashedly urban and urbane, their participation in the world of design is enthusiastic, inquiring, generous. The Vignellis are true believers."
According to Pentagram partner Michael Bierut, "Luca said that Massimo would be thrilled to get notes of good wishes from people whom he's touched or influenced - whether personally or remotely - over the years. Luca has visions of huge mail bags full of letters. I know that one of Massimo's biggest fantasies has been to attend his own funeral. This will be the next best thing. Pass the word."
Please send your notes, letters, cards etc to:
Massimo Vignelli
130 East 67 Street
New York, New York 10021
I am a admirer of Massimo's work, especially his work on the Manhattan Subway map. I researched into him for my context of practice module this year and intend to continue into the third year. I was shocked to read the news and knew that I wanted to write a letter to him. I drafted a short letter detailing my interests and research project and sent it to him in the post. I hope that he lives long enough to read the letter because he has influenced my work massively.
Letter sent to Vignelli:
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